

 Call for chapters

 Call for chapters in an upcoming volume to be published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA.

1. Book Title

  Intelligent Distributed Computing for Trajectories: Metamodeling, Reactive Architecture for Analytics, and Smart Applications

Series Title: Edge AI in Future Computing, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, USA.
Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA Submission

Link: Call for book chapters 


Prof. (Dr.) Azedine BoulmakoulFSTM, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco. Cet adresse mail est protégé contre les spambots. Vous avez d'activer le javascript pour la visualiser. .

Prof. (Dr.) Lamia Karim, Professor at the National School of Applied Sciences of Berrechid (ENSAB), Hassan 1st University, Morocco.

(Dr.) Bharat Bhushan, School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, India.  Cet adresse mail est protégé contre les spambots. Vous avez d'activer le javascript pour la visualiser.

 2. Book Title

 Internet of Things: Research and Practical Insights

Series Title: Edge AI in Future Computing, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, USA.

Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA Submission

Link: Call for book chapters 


(Dr.) Bharat Bhushan, School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, India. Prof.

(Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Institute of Information Technology & Management, New Delhi, India. Prof.

(Dr.) Bhuvan Unhelkar, Professor of IT at the University of South Florida, South Florida, U.S.A. Dr. Muhammad Fazal Ijaz, Department of Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong University, Korea, Prof.

(Dr.) Lamia Karim, Professor at the National School of Applied Sciences of Berrechid (ENSAB), Hassan 1st University, Morocco.


1. INFUS 2021: International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems

August 24-26, 2021 / Turkey 

Emerging Conditions and Digital Transformation

Special Session on Fuzzy Reactive Computational Intelligence : Theory and Applications (INFUS TRACK) 


Pr Azedine Boulmakoul, Hassan II University of Casablanca

Pr Ahmed Lbath, LIG lab., Grenoble Alpes University

Pr Lamia Karim, ENSAB, Hassan first University

2. INFUS 2020: International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems

July 21-23, 2020 Izmir / Turkey

Intelligent and Fuzzy Techniques : Smart and Innovative Solutions

Special Session on Fuzzy Reactive Computational Intelligence : Theory and Applications (INFUS TRACK) 


Pr Azedine Boulmakoul, Hassan II University of Casablanca

Pr Ahmed Lbath, LIG lab., Grenoble Alpes University

Pr Lamia Karim, ENSAB, Hassan first University



  Online Meeting-days ⊢ doing innovation

1. Online Meeting-days ⊢ doing innovation  (Edition 2021)
July 12, 2021

This edition of Online IOSIS Meeting-days is to be held on the 12th of July in order to communicate the work progress of our PhD candidates, to the industrial community or scientific community or academic community through a panel of talks and conferences around recent advances in big data, Internet of things, distributed computing, large scale networks computing, advanced information engineering, complex systems, cloud computing … Meeting-days helps at the brainstorming for answers to questions such, how to undertake top-quality R&D projects?, How to improve our activities? Do we need to redraw future roadmaps? What are the requirements for updating short-term research topics? For more information on the event (program, participants etc.), feel free to visit us on, or contact us on Cet adresse mail est protégé contre les spambots. Vous avez d'activer le javascript pour la visualiser.     (Program)

2. Meeting-days ⊢ doing innovation  (Edition 2020)

This edition of Online IOSIS Meeting-days is to be held on the 4th of July in order to communicate the work progress of our PhD candidates, to the industrial community or scientific community or academic community through a panel of talks and conferences around recent advances in big data, Internet of things, distributed computing, large scale networks computing, advanced information engineering, complex systems, cloud computing ... Meeting-days helps at the brainstorming for answers to questions such, how to undertake top-quality R&D projects?, How to improve our activities? Do we need to redraw future roadmaps ? What are the requirements for updating short-term research topics ? For more information on the event (program, participants etc.), feel free to visit us on, or contact us on Cet adresse mail est protégé contre les spambots. Vous avez d'activer le javascript pour la visualiser.     (Program)

3.Meeting-days ⊢ doing innovation  (Edition 2019)

IOSIS Meeting, is an agile workshop that will bring together ideas, projects, etc. associated with advances in computer engineering. This edition focus on distributed computing and artificial intelligence, and their application in different areas. This meeting will be held in 21th of september 2019, at FST Mohammedia. The following speakers each have experience and skills that will help us understanding the hidden faces, complications, and potential benefits that artificial intelligence could bring...(Program) 

4. Meeting-days ⊢ PhD student day  (Edition 2019)

Une journée des doctorants de l’équipe IOS & IOSIS est organisée chaque année à la rentrée universitaire. Elle fait office de journée de rentrée des doctorants qui ont achevé leur 1ère inscription et leur présence est donc  obligatoire. Elle permet également aux doctorants engagés en 2ème et 3ème année, dans leur cursus doctoral de présenter leurs travaux de recherche et présenter les prototypes logiciels réalisés...(Program) 

 5. Meeting-days ⊢ doing innovation (Edition 2018) 

This first edition of IOSIS meeting Days to be held at FST Mohammedia July 27 and 28, look forward to allow our community to worry about the work progress of iosis PhD students, through a panel of presentation and conferences around big data, Internet of Things, distributed computing, large scale networks computing, advanced information engineering, complex systems … (Program

6.Meeting-days ⊢ PhD student day (Edition 2018)

Une journée des doctorants de l’équipe IOS & IOSIS est organisée chaque année à la rentrée universitaire. Elle fait office de journée de rentrée des doctorants qui ont achevé leur 1ère inscription et leur présence est donc obligatoire.  Elle permet également aux doctorants engagés en 2ème et 3ème dans leur cursus doctoral de présenter leurs travaux de recherche et présenter les solutions logicielles réalisées.… (Program) 



 ASD : Maghreb Conference on Advances in Decision-making Systems

1. ASD’2018 

ASD 2018: Big data & Applications 12th edition of the Conference on Advances of Decisional Systems

Held in the city of Marrakech (Morocco) during  2-3 May 2018.



2. ASD’2015

Maghreb Conference on Advances in Decision-making Systems  (

Programme  of the 9th edition of the Conference ASD’2015  


3. ASD’2014 : 29-31 Mai 2014, Hammamet, Tunisie

4. ASD’2013 : 25-27 Mai 2013, Marrakech, Maroc

5. ASD’2012 : 1-3 Avril 2012, Université Saad Dahlab Blida, Algérie



INTIS : Innovation and New Trends in Information Systems

1. INTIS 2020

Innovation and New Trends in Information Technology

18-19 Dec 2020 ENSA Tangier (Morocco)

Special Session Urban Reactive Computational Intelligence Theory and Applications 

Chairs and Contacts
Azedine Boulmakoul, FSTM, Hassan II University of Casablanca
Ahmed Lbath, LIG lab., Grenoble Alpes University
Hassan Badir, ENSAT, Abdelmalek Essaadi University


Mobile Computing
Adil El Bouziri, FSTM, Hassan II University of Casablanca
Dist. Real-Time Computing
Abdelfattah Idri, ENCG, Hassan II University of Casablanca
Smart Trajectories Computing
Lamia Karim, ENSAB, Hassan 1st University
Advanced Geo-Computing
Aziz Mabrouk, FSJES, Abdelmalek Essaadi University
Swarm Intelligence Computing
Meriem Mandar, Hassan II University of Casablanca



2. INTIS’2017

6th Edition of the International Conference on Innovation and New Trends in Information Systems (

24 - 25 November 2017

3. INTIS’2014 : 28-29 Novembre 2014 à l’INPT, Maroc

4. INTIS’2013 : 29-30 Novembre ENSA-Tanger , Maroc

5. INTIS’2012 :  23 -24 Novembre 2012, Mohammadia- Maroc


AOS : Atelier Open séminaire 

1. AOS’2015 : 7th edition

Topic: « Comment bien mener votre thèse de recherche ?» (program)

Date and place : 01 June 2015, 8h00 / Institut National des Postes et Télécommunications  Rabat,  Maroc

2. AOS’2014 : 6ème édition 

Topic: « Test et Qualité du logiciel» (program)

Date and place : 09 January 2014, 14h00 / FST-Mohammedia 

3. AOS’2012 : 5ème édition 

Topic: « Quelles compétences pour nos ingénieurs de demain?» (program)

Date and place : 25 decembre 2012, 14h00/ Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Mohammedia -Maroc