Call for chapters in an upcoming volume to be published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA


Submission link

Importantes dates   


Abstract Submission Deadline          October 20, 2021   

Abstract Decision                               October 30, 2021   

Submission of Full Chapter               January 31, 2022   

First Review Notification                    February 20, 2022 

Submission of Revised Chapters      March 15, 2022      

Camera Ready Submission                April 10, 2022        

Dear Researchers,

 It is indeed a matter of great pleasure and privilege to invite you all to submit a chapter proposal / Abstract for forthcoming volume on “Intelligent Distributed Computing for Trajectories: Metamodeling, Reactive Architecture for Analytics, and Smart Applications” to be published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA.

You can initially, submit the chapter proposals or abstract of 200-250 words soon as last date is October 20, 2021. Full chapters can be submitted later.

Book title     IDC-TRAJECT-2022

 Intelligent Distributed Computing for Trajectories: Metamodeling, Reactive Architecture for Analytics, and Smart Applications

Publisher      CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA

No Publication Fee

Submission Link:



The central issue dealt with in this book concerns the representation and manipulation of smart trajectories in various fields. Meta-modeling, distributed architectures, reactive programming, Big Data analytics, NoSQL databases, connected objects and Edge-Fog-Cloud Computing form the basis of the axes developed in this book. Classical trajectory modeling provided in the literature captures the movement of a moving object moving in space-time over a period of time. Currently, the movement of people and goods in a given geographic area can be observed from digital traces deposited by personal or vehicular mobile devices, and collected by wireless network infrastructures. For example, mobile phones leave positioning logs, which specify their location, at all times they are connected to the mobile network; similarly, equipped with GPS type geolocation equipment, portable devices can record their latitude-longitude geolocation at each instant when they are exposed to a location device, and can transmit their trajectories to a collection server. ATMs, electronic payment services online or in the field, speed cameras, etc. keep track of the spatiotemporal geolocation of events. The omnipresence of pervasive technologies guarantees an increasing availability of large volumes of spatiotemporal data. Therefore, there is an opportunity to discover online, from these trajectories, spatiotemporal patterns that convey useful knowledge. For example, consider the traffic control system in an urban network. The sensors report congestion events on a continuous time basis. With such data, it is possible to support city traffic control decisions in real time. Such a discovery can help in the search for an efficient reengineering of traffic and develop innovative solutions in terms of informatics of urban systems: urban computing, in the context of smart cities.

The objective of this book is to federate the latest advances in terms of the model and applications of outdoor and indoor trajectories in various fields. The book highlights the developments, discoveries, practical and advanced experiences related to responsive distributed computing and how it can support the deployment of trajectory-based applications in smart systems.

For this new book, we welcome chapters on following topics:

  •  Intelligent Distributed Computing
  • Spatial Information System and location-based services
  • Complex Event Processing: An Overview
  • Reactive Architecture Building Scalable Systems
  • Smart Trajectories Metamodeling
  • Smart Trajectories Mining
  • Reactive system for managing big trajectory data
  • Distributed Execution Pipeline for Clustering Trajectories
  • IoV distributed architecture for congestion trajectories analytics
  • Distributed and scalable architecture for Covid 19 trajectories' analytics
  • Real Time Big Data Analytics in Cloud Ecosystem for Hazmat Stochastic Risk Trajectories
  • A pedestrians’ intuitionistic fuzzy risk exposure indicator and big data trajectories analytics on Spark-Hadoop ecosystem
  • Fuzzy pretopological trajectories for pedestrians' risk perception
  • Towards a safe pedestrian walkability: A real-time reactive microservice oriented ecosystem
  • Real-Time Distributed Pipeline Architecture for Pedestrians’ trajectories
  • Trajectories in Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Trajectories and Smart Mobility
  • Reactive Architecture for Analytics
  • Smart Applications, …



Prof. (Dr.) Azedine Boulmakoul, FSTM, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco.  Cet adresse mail est protégé contre les spambots. Vous avez d'activer le javascript pour la visualiser.

Prof. (Dr.) Lamia Karim, ENSAB, Hassan I University, Morocco.  Cet adresse mail est protégé contre les spambots. Vous avez d'activer le javascript pour la visualiser.  

Dr. Bharat Bhushan, School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda.  Cet adresse mail est protégé contre les spambots. Vous avez d'activer le javascript pour la visualiser.